Freitag, 29. Februar 2008

chapter 24

Past: Mike in the kitchen at night

One night White Mike woked up and went into the kitchen where he drank a champagne of undiluted cranberry juice. It was his mother's favourite drink.
His mother said that he always should live the best life he can.

Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008

chapter 23

"Twelve-deal" with Jessica

White Mike is walking with Lionel another drug dealer to meet Jessica. White Mike gets "Twelve" from Lionel. Lionell is creepy because he is carrying a gun.
When they come to Jessica she buys Twelve for 1000$. Jessica gets the beeper-number of Lionel because she recognizes that he sells it and so she asks for the number.

chapter 22

Sara wants a party again

When Sara leaves Lenox Hill she phones Chris and she goes to him. Sara says that Chris should celebrate the biggest party ever because his parents aren´t at home for some days. When Chris isn´t sure to do this party she first kiss´s him and then she says that they should have some fun in the bed.
Sara´s grandmother was on a party like they plan it too. That party was so wild that police came from two countys and some kids were arrested. Sara´s mom was born nine months later.

Montag, 25. Februar 2008

Chapter 21

New flat

White Mike and his father moved after his mother died of breast cancer three an half years ago.
The new flat was very big and everything is untidy.

chapter 20

In hospital

Andrew is brought to hospital he is lyeing together with Sean who is the boyfriend of Sara Ludlow in one room.
Sara Ludlow comes to visit her boyfriend. Then Andrew laughs and Sara turns to him. Andrew talks with her and she gets the CD of him because she likes it but she has to give it back next time.

chapter 18 & 19

Accident on ice

Jessica gets up at eleven o´clock and remembers that Chris bring her in a cab and says where she lives.
She meets with three girlfriends to go ice-skating. The girls hold together and agree in everything. They are all pretty.
When they are skating a boy who is called Andrew falls in front of them and Jessica drives with her skates against his forehead and blood swirls out. The girls are totally freaked out and leave the ice stadium to have a hot chocolate but Jessica has to make a telephone call.
She calls Chris and thanks that he has helped her the night before.

chapter 17

Past: third grade:

Hunter, Warren, White Mike and his cousin went with Warren´s nannie Dorine to the Central Park Zoo. They all liked the animals.
Then the boys got a popgun from a dark man but the popguns just hold till thursday.
Years later White Mike didn´t see Dorine and the black man who sold them the popguns again.
He thinks what she would say when he talks to her. He thinks that she perhaps would say that she smoked joints and took drugs after she bring them up to bed.